Chinese Medicine


Coming soon at Moon Gate, Fall 2024! Stay tuned for updates on Instagram @moongatehawaii

What is Chinese Medicine?

Chinese Medicine is an ancient art and holistic medicine incorporating acupuncture, herbal formulas, moxibustion, fire cupping, gua sha, and tui na bodywork. It identifies individual differential pattern diagnosis (ba gang) to identify imbalances within the body and treats the body’s ability to naturally heal and move back into harmony and balance. No two bodies, symptoms, or treatments are ever alike, treatments are specific to each individual needs.

Chinese Medicine can be used for pain, injury, digestion, stress, anxiety, depression, mental health, fatigue, sleep, hormonal imbalances, regulating women’s moon cycles, pregnancy, infertility, common colds, allergies, diabetes, skin conditions, just to name a few. Anything you think of can be treated in a natural way without harsh pharmaceuticals, if preferred. It can also be used complementary to Western medicine as needed.